As part of our Journey redefining our roots, GG has partnered up with the inspiring Rachel Anise (@BeautyProfessor) as an ambassador to discover how to express confidence and have a good hair day. "As a professor, a beauty writer, a wife, a mum and a devoted family member, I love examining all that has contributed to the person that I am today and, consequently, made me confident in my own skin. The Intense Range provides my hair with increased volume, density, strength and resilience." 在重新定义发根的旅程中,GG 选择与激励人心的 Rachel Anise(@BeautyProfessor)携手,请她担任我们的品牌大使,共同探索如何表达自信和拥有美丽秀发的秘笈。“在全心照顾家人的过程中,我身兼教授、美容作家、妻子、母亲等多重角色,我喜欢不断审视所有助我达成今日成就的各个方面, 因此也让我对自己的外表信心倍增。强化系列让我的头发更加浓密丰盈,发质强韧更有弹性。”